SoFSI Blog

Steel erection commences

Following completion of the strong floor and reaction mass (in excess of 2000tonnes of steel and concrete), the main contractors have commenced the erection of the steel frame for the building. This phase is expected to take approximately 3 weeks and following this construction of the building envelope will commence. The scale of the building is now apparent, with the ridgeline being approximately 13m above the finish floor level giving an 8m clearance for the gantry crane inside the building.

Site progress – Reaction mass nears completion

Works on site to construct SoFSI are continuing at pace and we are pleased to be able to share some images provided by our main contractor Andrew Scott Ltd immediately prior to the final concrete pour for the reaction mass. The final concrete pour represents a major milestone for the project meaning that approximately 2,000t of steel and concrete will have been laid to form the 4m deep soil pit and foundations for the two shaking tables. Works to construct the above ground elements of the building which will house the equipment can soon begin.

UKCRIC Webinar

On Tuesday 23 June we hosted the first UKCRIC Webinar to promote the national UKCRIC programme and also the two UKCRIC projects at the University of Bristol – SoFSI and the Bristol Infrastructure Collaboratory. We were pleased to welcome William Powrie, the UKCRIC Convenor, to set out the basis of UKCRIC and the exciting opportunities it presents for being at the vanguard of national infrastructure research. Over 50 people took part in the live webinar and a recording of the event is available here.


SoFSI Site Visit

Following the commencement of construction of SoFSI in late February 2020, the first on site visit was organised on Monday 22 June. Estates Team Manager Luke Everett, Prof. Tasos Sextos, Head of Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering Research Group (Lead User) and UKCRIC/Bristol Research Manager Patrick Tully safely visited to review recent developments. The main contractor, Andrew Scott Ltd, have adopted safe systems of working to enable construction to continue during the recent period and good progress has been made on construction of the soil pit and reaction mass for the two shaking tables with over two thirds of the concrete pour completed.

We are looking forward to the completion of the reaction mass and main foundations for the building in August – a big milestone for the project. The project is on track for opening in spring 2021.